Appendant Bodies

Joining your local lodge, known as the Blue Lodge, is the first of many paths through Freemasonry. Master Mason have the opportunity to join additional Masonic organizations, collectively known as the Appendant Bodies. Membership some of these bodies is by invitation only, others require the submission of a petition. Three of the most well known Appendant Bodies are the York Rite, Scottish Rite, and Shrine. For more information about the Appendant Bodies, explore below.

York Rite

The York Rite, more specifically called the American Rite, is based on Masonic degrees conferred during the formative years of modern Freemasonry in the 18th Century. York Rite Masonry is comprised of three distinct groups, the Capitular Degrees, the Council Degrees, and the Chivalric Degrees.

Membership in the York Rite is open to Master Masons in good standing. For more information about the Wyoming York Rite Bodies please visit their websites listed below.

Scottish Rite

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has its origins in the early to mid-18th Century in Europe before arriving in America prior to the Revolutionary War. The Scottish Rite conferres additional degrees to Master Masons, 4th degree through the 32nd degree.

Membership in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is open to Master Masons in good standing. For more information about the Scottish Rite please visit their website.


Founded in New York City by a group of Masons in 1870, the Shrine is the most visible Masonic organization in North American. With their iconic red fez and colorful costumes or vehicles, Shriners are frequent sights during parades and other community events. The Shrine is also known for its network of children’s orthopedic and burn hospitals.

Membership in the Shrine is open to Master Masons in good standing. For more information about the Shrine in Wyoming visit the their websites listed below.

Kalif Shriners, Sheridan, Wyoming

Korein Shriners, Rawlins, Wyoming